Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Throughout the past few weeks (or possibly months - I am horrible with anything involving time (a.k.a. life (I love parentheses))), I have come across some old pictures of events that I have written about in my previous posts. I am now going to give the world the pleasure of witnessing them, if not for entertainment, than for proof that my stories are indeed true. 

Cinderella and Snow White mean business.
Okay, and to your up is me, my sister, and my step-brother trying to take care of an infant, (who happens to be my step-sister).

This is clearly not a good idea (as you can see from the mischievous look on my face).

As my first post explains, these circumstances could potentially lead to finding a baby with a bottle of wine, as I found my cousin on one such occasion. She was a cute little squirt, but clearly needed to go to infant AA (and/or have a better babysitter). Look at that innocent face. Okay fiiiiine, I'll let you suck on it a little longer. (That's what she said.)

Can't say I blame her, I love wine time.
Next up: my preschool recital/play thing in which I sat in silence, like an idiot, all the way through. This picture is from the end of the show. Amazingly, I am not sitting in my seat, but am actually standing up for the finale! Still, I am not happy. (That's me in the attention grabbing (why??), poofy pink dress on the left.)

Get me the hell out of here.
Below is a picture after the show, once I am safe and sound in my padre's arms. I seem completely content here. What a weirdo. 

At least I recover fast.
Finally, I have found one singular photo of me in my prized Mary costume from my momentous Christmas play. This was a proud moment for me. My sister has her teeth (or lack thereof) to show off, apparently my brother has some flowers to flash to the camera, but I need nothing to dazzle with, just the glory of my leading role. 

Trying to be one with my role as Mary. Brother, sister, don't care. 
And that concludes these added side dishes to my previous posts. I hope they were delightful, juicy, and tantilizing. Cheers!  

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